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Showing posts from September, 2018

The problems with public debate

Bust of Plato Eloquence is generally a good quality of good public speaking.  However, it can occasionally serve to confuse issues and mislead people who confuse ‘winning’ a public debate with being factually correct.  This is a particular problem associated with demagogues.  In the United States, presidential candidates are often those with legal experience and can hold their own against another speaker with less education in rhetoric.  An experienced debater who is obsessed with winning will resort to less intellectually honest methods to win over a crowd, including saying things which are outright false in order to render his opponent speechless. A less eloquent, but more knowledgeable opponent might make better use of internet dialogue to make their points if they are unused to the nuances of public debate.  This can include those who know they have the information to counter a point but do not have it on the tip of their tongue.  Theirs is o...