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Showing posts from June, 2018

What if Hitler was never born?

Adolf Hitler 1933 - Wikimedia commons What if this would be mass murderer had died in his cradle or a World War 1 trench or had been assassinated in the early days of fascism? This type of question is common for anyone speculating whether the second global conflict could have been averted.  Another question is whether or not Germany would have fallen if their leader had died in the early stages of the war.             It is almost certain that a second global conflict would have occurred because of several factors.  Germany was a changed and traumatised country after the First World War.  Many felt that the terms of the Versailles treaty were too harsh to be imposed on a country impoverished by a major war.  Along with the Versailles treaty came a poisonous notion: the stabbed in the back myth.             This myth posited that the German armed forc...